If Twisted Alice was a human-cartoon fusion driven mad by her components' inability to get along, who is this Alice? Ink Bendy also seems to be less hostile towards Henry and saves him from the Projectionist, but why he did that is unknown.

The cliffhanger of the fourth chapter will make you rip out your hair: the psycho Alice who tormented you is literally backstabbed by another Alice with a Boris of her own.Why did Henry come to the studio? Does he want to shut down the Ink Machine? If so, why would he turn it on in Chapter 1? Did he come here for some other reason? Or is Twisted Alice's line just a result of Sanity Slippage? Twisted Alice claims she knows "why Henry is really here", and that she "won't let him get in the way of what has to be done", but she never explains what she means by that. However, it also brings up a few more questions of its own. It also seemingly answers a question from Chapter 1 as well: It's implied that Twisted Alice killed the Boris on the top floor, as well as several others, to maintain her "beauty". The third chapter reveals a bit more: Boris is friendly, and he's not the same Boris as the one from the top floor.Yes, Boris seems to have saved you from Ink Bendy, but is he your friend, or does he simply want you for himself? More importantly, how exactly is he still alive given what we saw in Chapter 1? Was he resurrected? Are reanimated cartoon characters actually unkillable and what we saw was just a temporary setback? Is he even the same Boris? The cliffhanger of the second chapter will leave you asking questions as well.Ink Bendy also seems to kill Sammy Lewarnce when he attempts to kill Henry but still goes after Henry afterwards. Because, even after the Ink Machine is activated and Ink Bendy is released, the cutouts that were active beforehand don't turn hostile and remain curious and sometimes helpful. It's also becoming rather unclear if the Ink Bendy we saw is the real Bendy.The second chapter clears it up a little bit, by showing that Ink Bendy is, indeed, murderous, but just what went down at the studio is still a mystery.

The murder and dissection of Boris the Wolf is an especially big point of contention, since the candles on the floor suggest (and Henry himself seems to believe) it was Joey's doing, while the message on the wall suggests it was Ink Bendy, and adopting either viewpoint changes the game's narrative significantly.